Xiaolu Li received the B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2016, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2020. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2020-2021. She is now a lecturer of the Department of Computer Science at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). Her research interests are in building reliable storage systems.

I’m looking for self-motivated students who are interested in distributed storage systems, coding theory including erasure codes and error correction codes, LSM Tree-based KV store, and hardware accelerator such as FPGA. If you are interested in these topics, please feel free to contact me.

We also welcome undergraduate students (year-2 or year-3) who are looking for research internship opportunities. If you want to get your hands dirty, please feel free to contact me.

🔥 News

  • 2024.06:  🎉🎉 Invited to give a talk on “parallel repair of MSR-coded storage” at Shandong University.
  • 2024.06:  🎉🎉 Invited to serve as a TPC member for FAST’25.
  • 2024.06:  🎉🎉 One paper get accepted in SRDS’24.
  • 2023.12:  🎉🎉 One paper get accepted in FAST’24.
  • 2022.12:  🎉🎉 One paper get accepted in TC’23.
  • 2022.12:  🎉🎉 One paper get accepted in InfoCom’23.
  • 2022.12:  🎉🎉 One paper get accepted in FAST’23.
  • 2022.02:  🎉🎉 One paper get accepted in TPDS’22.

📝 Publications



📖 Teaching

  • Spring, 操作系统课程设计
  • Fall, 操作系统原理

🧑 Student

  • Lei Wu, master 2023-2024, PhD 2024-now, Co-supervise with Prof. Yuchong Hu
  • Mengjie He, master 2024-now
  • Zongzhen, Yang, master 2024-now
  • Qiwen Tan, master 2024-now
  • Zhengyao Ding, master 2023-now, Co-supervise with Prof. Dan Feng
  • Junlong Zhang, master 2023-now, Co-supervise with Prof. Dan Feng
  • Dingxin Wang, master 2023-now
  • Xuan Liu, master 2023-now
  • Han Yuan, master 2022-now, Co-supervise with Prof. Dan Feng

🧑 Activities

  • PC Member for FAST’25, ICA3PP’24, ICA3PP’23
  • AEC Member for OSDI’22, ATC’22, FAST’24
  • Journal Reviewer for TOS, and TON.

🎖 Honors

💬 Invited Talks

  • 2024.06, Invited to give a talk on “parallel repair of MSR-coded storage” in Shandong University